Losertax April

Losertax April
5:23 Minuten
Full-HD, 1080p
Online seit:
13.04.2020 - 14:21 Uhr
NUR 5000 Coins √

You have waited longingly to pay your monthly idiot’s tax to me, haven’t you, ugly loser? This April too, I will squeeze you like a lemon. Believe me, I will get the last out of you and your purse. You know, that your loser money suits me much better than it suits you and I know a lot better things to do with it! Be happy and thankful to pay this idiot’s tax to me every month. Go on and double, better yet triple the amount of this loser tax!

The more you pay to me, the bigger my smile will be. I am very generous, you’re even allowed to play with your tiny prick! Of course we both know: if the **** is rushing through your dick, rather than your brain, you’re more likely to spend more… haha

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